Byron Perez Simba

Byron Perez Simba

Byron Perez Simba

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-HEST

ETH Zürich

Nachhaltige Lebensmittelverarb.

LFO E 12.2

Schmelzbergstrasse 9

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

Byron is a doctoral student on the ‘Urban Microalgae-Based Protein Production’ project. He works on the integration of pulsed electric fields technology to boost the efficiency of microalgae production and downstream processing. His research focuses on the design of a biorefinery platform for the extraction and utilization of valuable single-cell microalgae products for more sustainable food applications.


Year Distinction
2023 ETH Medal Award 2023 for Outstanding Master Thesis
2022 EFFoST Master Student of the Year Award, 2022

Research area

Byron is a Ph.D. researcher on the ‘Urban Microalgae-Based Protein Production’ project. He works on the integration of pulsed electric fields technology to boost the efficiency of microalgae production and downstream processing. His research focuses on the design of a biorefinery platform for the extraction and utilization of valuable single-cell microalgae products for more sustainable food applications.

Curriculum Vitae

Byron obtained his BSc in Food Engineering from Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador, his home country. He received the Excellence Scholarship and Opportunity Program from the ETH Foundation to pursue his MSc studies in Food Science with a focus on Food Processing at ETH Zurich. At the beginning of 2021, Byron joined the Sustainable Food Processing Laboratory as a research assistant. Subsequently, he developed his thesis on the application of nanosecond pulsed electric fields on heterotrophic microalgae in our group. In August 2022, Byron started as a Ph.D. student working on the Urban Microalgae Protein Production Project at our Singapore ETH Centre.

Additional information

LinkedIn: external page

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