
Byron Perez (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP SEC Group) 1. Place Effost GNT Young Scientist Award, 38th EFFoST International Conference 2024

38th European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) international conference in Brugge, Belgium. Authors: Perez, Haberkorn, Han, Chan, Liu & Mathys

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Amy McMackin and Maja Lermark Schøn (Doctoral candidates ETH SFP Group) ETH World Food System Center Poster Award Winners, 2024

ETH World Food System Center (WFSC) Food Day at ETH. Awards for their posters:

Unlocking plant potential: Harnessing natural deep eutectic solvents for enhanced protein isolates from peas and rapeseed
Authors: Amy McMackin, Joseph Dumpler, Alexander Mathys

Insect-based utilization of biowastes for sustainable agriculture and food
Authors: Maja L. Schøn., Moritz Gold, Adrian Fuhrmann, Daniela A. Peguero, Alexander Mathys

Alexander Mathys Fellow of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST), 2024

The International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) selected the 14th class of outstanding food scientists, engineers and technologists to be elected to the International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST). All new Fellows will be inducted by the Academy Executive Council, led by Dr. Charles Aworh, Academy President, at the 22nd World Congress of Food Science and Technology to be held in Rimini, Italy 8-12 September 2024. Nominations for each new roster are made by IAFoST Fellows and/or IUFoST Adhering Bodies. Those elected to IAFoST by the Fellows of the Academy are acknowledged by their peers as outstanding representatives of international food science and technology.

The International Academy of Food Science (IAFoST) collectively forms a diverse pool of scientific expertise in food science and technology and related disciplines from which IUFoST draws non-aligned expert advice on scientific matters. Fellows serve as independent professional leaders who engage and endorse high standards of ethics and scientific endeavors.

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Nasiha Alicusic (Bachelor student ETH SFP Group) Swiss Association of Agronomists and Food Scientists SVIAL Student Award for her Bachelor Thesis, 2024

Bachelor thesis supervised by Dr.-Ing. Joseph Dumpler: Adsorption of phenolic compounds from deep eutectic solvents on activated carbon

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Thomas Mair (SFP Master thesis) SGLWT Award, 2024 

Master thesis, supervised by Corina Saegesser «Validation of Small-Scale Batch Process for the Formation of Fibrous Structure of Plant and Single Cell Proteins Under Well-Defined Condition to Predict Performance in High Moisture Extrusion Process» mentored by Prof. Alexander Mathys

Roberto Axelrod (former Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) Connect to Innovate Award 2024

With the Connect to Innovate Award, Yili Innovation Center Europe gives recognition to doctoral students who achieved outstanding scientific results with industrial applicability. Yili is the largest dairy company in Asia. In 2024, two awardees were honored.

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Rosa Heydenreich (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) Best Presentation Award at Research Workshop on Bacillus in clinical and agricultural environments 2024

Presentation Title: High pressure processing for mild bacterial spore control in industry and research, at Research Workshop on Bacillus in clinical and agricultural environments, Umeå, Sweden. Authors: Rosa Heydenreich, Alessia Delbrück, Clément Trunet & Alexander Mathys

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Byron Patricio Perez Simba (Master student and now Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group/SEC) ETH Medal Award 2023 for Outstanding Master Thesis

Master thesis, supported by Robert Axelrod and Iris Haberkorn: Nanosecond pulsed electric fields-based process and bioprocess optimization to leverage heterotrophic microalgae efficiency. ETH Zurich, 2022, mentored by Prof. Alexander Mathys​eth-zurich/education/awards/eth-​medal/outstanding-​master-theses.html

Eva Augustiny (Doctoral candidate Fibl & ETH SFP Group) ETH World Food System Center Poster Award Winner, 2022

ETH World Food System Center (WFSC) Symposium ETHFoodDays; Authors: Augustiny, Frehner, Green, Müller, & Mathys; Zurich, Switzerland

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Alexander Mathys ETH Zurich Dandelion Entrepreneurship Award 2022

ETH Zurich Award to recognize ETH Professors of each department for their outstanding efforts to promote entrepreneurship among students & researchers. Special Award for championing interdisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurship.

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Adrian Fuhrmann (Master thesis with ETH SAE Lab supervised by Martin Hartmann & Benjamin Wilde, now SEC Doctoral student in our SEC Food Lab) Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research SFIAR Master thesis Award 2022

Master thesis on “Influence of residues from black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) rearing on the plant-associated microbiome”
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Byron Patricio Perez Simba (SFP Master thesis, now SEC Doctoral student in our SEC Food Lab) Winner  EFFoST Master Student of the Year Award, 2022

36th European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) international conference. Dublin, Ireland from 7 – 9 November 2022. Authors: Perez , Axelrod, Haberkorn & Mathys.
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Iris Haberkorn (Senior Researcher SEC/ ETH SFP Group) International Union of Food Science and Technology IUFoST Young Scientist Award, 2022

International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), Singapore; Recommendation by Swiss Academy of Sciences National Committee of  IUFoST
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Rosa Heydenreich (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 11th International Conference on High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology (HPBB2022) Young Researcher Pitch Award, 2022

Authors: Heydenreich, Delbrück & Mathys. "Single-cell analysis of heat sensitivity and cultivability of high pressure (550 MPa) treated Bacillus subtilis spores ",
The International Association of High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology (HPBB)

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Greta Canelli (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 1. Place 15th European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) - PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology 2022

Doctoral thesis: Delivering bioaccessible and stable ω3-​polyunsaturated fatty acids by using whole microalgae cells. ETH Zurich, 2021.

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Rosa Heydenreich (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) International Association for Food Protection IAFP European Symposium Technical Presentation Award, 2022

International Association for Food Protection IAFP European Symposium on Food Safety, online. Authors: Delbrück, Nanni, Heydenreich* & Mathys

*presenting author

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Ann-Sophie Palm (SFP Master thesis) SGLWT Award, 2022

Master thesis, supported by Dr. Lukas Böcker, Dr. Pascal Bertsch, Dr. Jotam Bergfreund and Prof. Peter Fischer «Microalgae Protein Isolates as Novel Emulsifiers: Interfacial Stability and Tension under Different Emulsion Conditions» mentored by Prof. Alexander Mathys

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Julia Baumgartner (Master student and now Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) ETH Medal Award 2022 for Outstanding Master Thesis

Master thesis, supported by Robert Axelrod: Simulation-based Characterization of a Pulsed Electric Field System. ETH Zurich, 2021,mentored by Prof. Alexander Mathys

Rosa Heydenreich (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) International Association for Food Protection IAFP Student Travel Scholarship Award, 2022

International Association for Food Protection IAFP 

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Sergiy Smetana, Eric Schmitt, and Alexander Mathys, Most Downloaded Paper Award in Journal Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2022

For high number of downloads received in three years following its publication 2019-2021.

Article: Sustainable use of Hermetia illucens insect biomass for feed and food: Attributional and consequential life cycle assessment
Elsevier, external page

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Sergiy Smetana, Eric Schmitt, and Alexander Mathys, Most Cited Paper Award in Journal Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2022

For high number of citations received in three years following its publication 2019-2021.

Article: Sustainable use of Hermetia illucens insect biomass for feed and food: Attributional and consequential life cycle assessment
Elsevier, external page

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Alessia Delbrück (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 1. Place at Charles R. Stumbo Student Paper Competition, 2022

Topic: “Investigating the bottleneck of pressure-mediated spore germination- inactivation strategies – Properties of Bacillus superdormant spores and effects of different strategies on potential germination enhancement”, Authors: Delbrück, Zhang, Hug, Tritten, Züger & Mathys

Institute for Thermal Processing Specialists

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Greta Canelli (PostDoc ETH SFP Group) American Oil Chemists' Society AOCS Processing Division Student Excellence Award 2022

Topic: Microalgae Lipid Processing and Biotechnology

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Iris Haberkorn (PostDoc ETH SFP Group) Falling Walls Female Science Talent, Intensive Track 2021

The Falling Walls Intensive Track provides close support for 20 exceptionally talented women in science, based on application process:

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Falling Walls, Berlin, Germany
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Moritz Gold (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) ETH Medal Award 2021 for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis

Doctoral thesis: Towards more efficient biowaste utilization with black soldier fly larvae to produce more sustainable animal feed. ETH Zurich, 2020.

Ashley Green (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group & Agroscope) ETH World Food System Center Poster Award Winner, 2021

ETH World Food System Center (WFSC) Symposium #ETHFoodDays; Authors: Green, Nemecek, Smetana & Mathys; Zurich, Switzerland

Leandro Buchmann (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 1. Place 14th European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) - PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology 2021

Doctoral thesis: Emerging pulsed electric field process development for bio-based applications. ETH Zurich, 2020.

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Billie Maude Hauser (Bachelor student ETH SFP Group) Swiss Association of Agronomists and Food Scientists SVIAL Student Award for her Bachelor Thesis, 2021

Bachelor thesis: Enhancement of nutrient bioaccessibility by enzymatic treatment of Chlorella vulgaris cell wall

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Alessia Delbrück (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) International Association for Food Protection IAFP European Symposium 1. Place Technical Presentation Student Award, 2021

International Association for Food Protection IAFP European Symposium on Food Safety, online. Authors: Delbrück, Zhang, Hug, Trunet & Mathys
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Leandro Buchmann (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) ETH Medal Award 2020 for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis

Doctoral thesis: Emerging pulsed electric field process development for bio-based applications. ETH Zurich, 2020.

Greta Canelli (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 1. Place at EFFoST Student of the Year Award, 2020

34th European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) international conference. Technion, Israel.  Authors: Canelli, Martínez, Kuster, Hauser, Rohfritsch, Dionisi, Bolten, Neutsch & Mathys
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Alexander Mathys IFT W.K. Kellogg International Food Security Award and Lectureship, 2020

Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Global Impact Achievement Award for R&D on “Efficient black soldier fly (BSF) larvae-based waste utilization to produce safe and more sustainable animal feed” IFT20, Chicago, USA

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Iris Haberkorn (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 1. Place at George F. Stewart IFT International Research Paper Competition Award, 2020

Institute of Food Technologists IFT International Division; Authors: Haberkorn, Buchmann & Mathys; SHIFT20 Chicago, USA
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Iris Haberkorn (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) IFT Andy & Jan Rao International Division Travel Scholarship Award, 2020

Institute of Food Technologists IFT International Division; SHIFT20 Chicago, USA
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Lukas Böcker (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 1. Place at Malcolm Bourne IFT Research Paper Competition Award, 2020

Institute of Food Technologists IFT International Division; Authors: Böcker, Müssner, Haberkorn & Mathys; Chair: Dr. Geoffrey W. Smithers; SHIFT20 Chicago, USA
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Alessia Delbrück (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) International Association for Food Protection IAFP Student Travel Scholarship Award, 2020

International Association for Food Protection IAFP Annual Meeting, USA
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Alessia Delbrück (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) International Association for Food Protection IAFP European Student Travel Scholarship Award, 2020

International Association for Food Protection IAFP European Symposium on Food Safety, Germany
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Lukas Böcker (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 2. Place at EFFoST Student of the Year Award, 2019

33rd European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) international conference in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Authors: Böcker, Hostettler, Diener, Eder, Demuth, Adamcik, Mezzenga, Nyström, Leeb, Reineke, Mathys
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Alexander Mathys 2nd Best Oral Presentation Award at ICEF 13, 2019

International Congress on Engineering & Food 13. Melbourne, Australia

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Yifan Zhang (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) International Association for Food Protection IAFP European Student Travel Scholarship Award, 2019

International Association for Food Protection IAFP European Symposium on Food Safety, France
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Robin Bloch (SFP Master thesis) Hochdorf-Award, 2019

Master thesis, supported by Leandro Buchamnn «Pulsed electric field (PEF) system optimisation by use of an interdisciplinary approach» mentored by Prof. Alexander Mathys

Melanie Binggeli (SFP Master thesis) H. Wilhelm Schaumann Prize, 2019

Master thesis, supported by Moritz Gold "Elaborating concepts to identify influences on Hermetia illucens larval growth" mentored by Prof. Alexander Mathys and Prof. Michael Kreuzer

Leandro Buchmann (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 1. Place Effost GNT Young Scientist Award, 2018

32nd European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) international conference in Nantes, France. Authors: Buchmann & Mathys

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Yifan Zhang (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 2. Place at J. Mar Geopfert Developing Scientist Award, 2018

International Association for Food Protection IAFP, USA

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Leandro Buchmann (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 1. Place at ETH World Food System Center Mercator Poster Award Competition, 2017

ETH World Food System Center (WFSC) Symposium; Authors: Buchmann, Chaudhary, Boecker & Mathys;  Zurich, Switzerland

Yifan Zhang (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 1. Place at IFT-NPD Graduate Paper Competition, 2017

Institute of Food Technologists IFT-Non-thermal Processing Division (NPD); Authors: Zhang, Waser & Mathys;  Chair: Dr. Roman Buckow, Las Vegas, USA
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Lukas Böcker (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) 1. Place at George F. Stewart IFT International Research Paper Competition Award, 2017

Institute of Food Technologists IFT International Division; Authors: Böcker, Surber, Reineke & Mathys; Chair: Dr. Pablo Juliano; Las Vegas, USA
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Yifan Zhang (Doctoral candidate ETH SFP Group) - Falling Walls Lab Finalist, 2016

Falling Walls Lab 2016, Berlin, Germany
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Alexander Mathys IAFoST Early Career Scientist, 2016

International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) & International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST), 2016 external page

Alexander Mathys A.T. Kearney Scholar, 2011 & 2012

Recommendation by Nobel Laureate meetings organization team
Falling Walls Conference 2011 & 2012, Berlin, Germany
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Alexander Mathys Young Researcher of VDI for the 60th Nobel Laureate Meeting, 2010

Young Researcher via Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI evaluation:
1st Step: Recommendation for VDI by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heike P. Schuchmann via VDI-FA Food Engineering

2nd Step: Application for 60th Nobel Laureate meeting - Recommendation by Dr.-Ing. Willi Fuchs, Director of VDI & Dr.-Ing. Achim Noak, CEO Bayer Technology Services GmbH

3rd Step: Successful application at Foundation of Nobel Laureate Meetings, Lindau 27. June- 02. July 2010, Lindau, Germany
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Alexander Mathys Einstein Scholarship Award, 2010

Falling Walls Conference 2010, Berlin, Germany
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Alexander Mathys International Union of Food Science and Technology IUFoST Young Scientist Award, 2010

International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), Cape Town, South Africa; Recommendation by "Swiss Academy of Science“, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Felix Escher
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Alexander Mathys International Congress on Engineering and Food ICEF 10 Award, 2008

Award for Young Food Engineers at ICEF 10 Congress; Chair: Prof. Dr. Osato Miyawaki, Japan Society for Food Engineering; Vina del Mar, Chile
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Alexander Mathys European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG) Award, 2008

Chair: Prof. Dr. Roland Winter; Valencia, Spain
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Alexander Mathys 1. Place at IFT-NPD Graduate Paper Competition, 2008 & 2011 & 2014 (Author & Co-author)

Institute of Food Technologists IFT-Non-thermal Processing Division (NPD); Chair: Dr. R. Reddy / Prof. Dr. S. Jung / Dr.-Ing. N. Meneses, New Orleans, USA
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Alexander Mathys George F. Stewart IFT International Research Paper Competition Award, 2007 & 2010 (Author & Co-author)

Institute of Food Technologists IFT International Division; Chair: Prof. Dr. Elvira de Meija; Chicago, USA
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