Open Positions
The ETH Sustainable Food Processing group is looking for candidates:
Flexible doctoral theses or PostDoc positions within the Sustainable Food Processing group are possible based on request.
Please send your CV with cover letter and your specific research proposal (max. 3 pages) based on strong scientific references to:
Master thesis candidate - Interface between technology and biology by growing microalgae and studying their resistance to Pulsed electric field technology and mechanical processing
Pease find more info here:
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Master theses on Plant Protein Refining using Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents
We are looking for candidates for two Master thesis projects on:
1) Optimizing pea protein isolation after NADES refining
2) Analyzing polyphenols in NADES-based yellow pea and rapeseed extracts
These projects will contribute to improving plant-protein functionality and sensory properties through an innovative processing approach. In the first project, the candidate will explore different techniques for separating fiber from protein (i.e., salting-in, alkaline extraction/ isoelectric precipitation) and provide a preliminary characterization of the resulting protein isolates (yield, purity, protein type, nativity, solubility). In the second project, the candidate will use preparative chromatography or HPLC techniques to qualify and/ or quantify polyphenols in plant extracts, which will then be analyzed for their antioxidant and digestive enzyme-inhibiting characteristics.
Learn more about the projects here:
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Bachelor/Master Thesis- Protocol for the labelling of microalgae with stable isotopes to support future in vivo trials
This bachelor/master thesis project will focus on developing the protocol for the labelling of microalgae with stable isotopes to support future in vivo trials. The project is an interdisciplinary collaboration between the Sustainable Food Processing Laboratory and the Laboratory of Nutrition and Metabolic Epigenetics.
The project is available from now on. Please send your CV and motivation letter to Agon Besimi () with Dr. Fengzheng Gao in cc (). Learn more about the project here
Master candidate - Extremophilic microalga response to Pulsed Electric Fields
Learn more about the project here
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Master/Bachelor thesis candidate, or student assistant - Microalgae in Human Nutrition and Health
Pease find more info here:
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Master/Bachelor thesis candidate - Volcanic protein
Pease find more info here:
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Flexible Master or Bachelor theses within the Sustainable Food Processing group are possible based on request.
If you are interested on specific topics, please send your request to the respective group members with cover letter, CV and Transcript-of-records (grades).